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Has anyone found on the Finnish market internet-capable phones that are priced under 100 Euros?


I bought a Samsung from DNA for 70€ (list price - no 'deal') - 2.5years ago. I need a 2nd phone.

Found the 'edit' - it's in quite a different place than forums I've used. It usually shows on the text near the actual message. ('Edit' or 'muokka')

@r517749 kirjoitti:

Has anyone found on the Finnish market internet-capable phones that are priced under 100 Euros?


I bought a Samsung from DNA for 70€ (list price - no 'deal') - 2.5years ago. I need a 2nd phone.

Hello! For example :*%26ContextCategoryUUID%3DstmsGQV5fqMAAAFDI7k2st6C%26discontinued%3D0%26online%3D1%26ProductListPrice%3D%253C%2B100%26Tyyppi%3DKosketus%26%40Sort.ViewCount%3D1&PageSize=45&ProductElementCount=&searchResultTab=Products&CategoryName=fi_matkapuhelimet&CategoryDomainName=store-gigantti-ProductCatalog
