Olen lähettänyt muutaman kerran sähköpostia USAaan comcast-serverin asiakkaalle. Eivät mene perille, vaan saan ilmoituksen:
Mail to Comcast is rejected and is returned with an error message containing the code BL000000. What does this mean? Our filters have determined that email from your mail server has been sent in patterns which are characteristic of spam. In an effort to protect subscribers, your mail server has been blocked from sending email to the Comcast network. Mail servers are typically shared by many users so it may be the case that another party using your mail server has sent spam, even if you have not.
How do I get my IP removed from the blocklist?
It is important that your email administrator is aware of their outbound spam problem to avoid being blocked by Comcast in the future. When contacting your email administrator, you should include the error message contained in the email which alerted you to this problem. This error message contains important information to help your email administrator resolve this issue. Removal requests can be sent to www.comcastsupport.com/rbl and will require the IP address of the blocked mail server. Requests submitted through this form are monitored 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to ensure a timely response.
Jäyttämäni SMTP on mail.inet.fi
En ole onnistunut löytämään mitään Sonera -yhteyttä, jonne olisin voinut asiasta ilmoittaa ja/tai pyytää apua. Olisiko jollakulla neuvoa minulle?
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Sähköpostiemme lähetys Comcast -palveluntarjoajan sähköpostiosoitteisiin voi hidastella tai epäonnistua tällä hetkellä. Ongelmaa selvitetään yhteistyössä Comcast palveluntarjoajan kanssa.
T. Sami
Sonera Asiakaspalvelu
T. Sami
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