Hi, I need to return a Gear 360 camera that was faulty on delivery, the Telia store won´t take it back and I have been in touch with Telia who eventually said I should send it back for a replacement (The store won´t touch it as they don´t sell them)
Customer services sent me an Email with the return address which is as follows:
Posti / E-varasto
Sopimustunnus 619604 (MOB) tai 628184 (BB & TV)
Satamatie 37
37800 Akaa
I assume (MOB) is for mobiles and (BB & TV) is Broad band and TV, should I use one of these for a camera or neither?
Also I was expecting a return or case number, but don´t have anything, what information should I include with the delivery?
Any help thankfully recieved, I am a bit worried about sticking this camera in the post and never seeing it again :(