How to Change CM MAC address

  • 10 January 2021
  • 1 kommentti
  • 101 katselukertaa



I signed up for a cable broad-band connection last Friday. The CM MAC address was updated incorrectly in Telia Skanssi (Turku). Today, I went there again, and the service-person updated the correct CM MAC number.


However, in the "My Telia" page, the wrong number is still showing. Is it possible to correct it by myself from the "My Telia" page? And, if yes, what are the steps?


Thanks a lot in advance for your kind help!

1 kommentti

Käyttäjätaso 4
Kunniamerkki +14

@Aurun@  kirjoitti:



I signed up for a cable broad-band connection last Friday. The CM MAC address was updated incorrectly in Telia Skanssi (Turku). Today, I went there again, and the service-person updated the correct CM MAC number.


However, in the "My Telia" page, the wrong number is still showing. Is it possible to correct it by myself from the "My Telia" page? And, if yes, what are the steps?


Thanks a lot in advance for your kind help!

It might take a while for the CM MAC address to update, usually the address should be updated within 1 hour. However, you can also change the CM MAC by yourself if you log in to My Telia.

1. Sign in to -website

2. Navigate to "Minun Telia" -> "Liittymäni ja palveluni"

3. Choose your broadband subscription and you'll see "Laitteesi" -menu on the right hand side of the page.
4. Click on "Hallinnoi" and then "Päivitä Mac-osoite".
5. Insert the new mac address to "Uusi Mac-osoitteesi" and accept it by clicking "Lähetä tilaus".
