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Invoice problem

  • 13. marraskuuta 2021
  • 1 kommentti
  • 6 katselukertaa

Helo, I payd today 18.90 for 1 month,number x from my OP account ,but don't get mesaage on my email x.  and can't agree connect internet. But telia  took my money and I have minus 18,90 but don't have internet. Its VERY IMPORTANT AND NECESSARY NOW , I PAY NOW AGAINE 18,90 , BACK THIS MONEY ON MY PHONE NUMBER  OR BANK CARD. ITS POSSIBLE ???


Edit ReOlivia: Deleted customer information

1 kommentti

  • 520 kommenttia
  • 19. marraskuuta 2021

@NEREVARIN88  kirjoitti:

Helo, I payd today 18.90 for 1 month,number x from my OP account ,but don't get mesaage on my email x.  and can't agree connect internet. But telia  took my money and I have minus 18,90 but don't have internet. Its VERY IMPORTANT AND NECESSARY NOW , I PAY NOW AGAINE 18,90 , BACK THIS MONEY ON MY PHONE NUMBER  OR BANK CARD. ITS POSSIBLE ???


Edit ReOlivia: Deleted customer information

Hello! I'm sorry for delayed answer. You need to contact our customer service, they can help you. We can't open customer information in here Telia Yhteisö.
