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koti tv not working properly

hi there ive been having problems with my koti tv


first of all i had a 714 error


then after 10 restarts i got the sonera box up and running


but now i have no menu ,not opg guide ,nothing in the remote control works apart from numbers and channel up and down (its not a remote control problem)


i did a and checked the connection of th iptv and there is a DNS problem


even though ive restarted the box and the router several times


can someone reset my dns

  • Telialainen
  • 27. helmikuuta 2015
First I recommend to reset the set-top box. Then it should work normally again. Check this link to "Digiboksin resetoiminen" and follow the instructions. 

  • Uusi jäsen
  • 27. helmikuuta 2015

i still get the 714 error


if i go into the media gateway on my pc web browser and disable the iptv ip address, then i get past the 714 error



i get channels working and get tv


but i get no menu on the tv i get no epg guide and i can not order a film or anything else on there

  • Uusi jäsen
  • 27. helmikuuta 2015
Connectivity Check 

This page enables you to perform a connectivity check on an Internet service of your MediaAccess Gateway.

Choose an Internet service and click the button to launch the tests.

Internet Service to Check:IPTVVoIPInternet
Test Results
Test SucceededDSL
Test SucceededATM
Test SucceededEthernet
Test SucceededNative IPv4
Test SucceededNative IPv6
Test SucceededInternet
 Disabled/Not OKConnectivity to IPv4 Gateway (
 Enabled/OKConnectivity to DNS Server 1 (
 Enabled/OKConnectivity to DNS Server 2 (

  • Ex-telialainen
  • 27. helmikuuta 2015

Which router do you have? Has Sonera sent you some router, eg. Inteno DG301 or Thomson TG789vn? If yes, then please use that. Also try reset your router.

  • Uusi jäsen
  • 27. helmikuuta 2015

same router that sonera gave me 3 years ago


thomson 789



  • Ex-telialainen
  • 27. helmikuuta 2015

Ok. Please reset the router and set top box one more time and also check that ethernet cable from STB is connected to yellow LAN port and not to red WAN port. If Viihde still doesn't work, do a fault report from Omat Sivut or call technical customer service 0206 90101.

  • Uusi jäsen
  • 27. helmikuuta 2015

ive done the above a few times now


its a funny fault because its working , but its funny what i have to do to get it working



there is definatly some dns fault



to get it working it have to reset the stb, then disconnect the ip address on the IPTV section of the router


then when the stb restarts itself after software install, i have to connect the ip address again to get pictures



this fault has only happened since the thomson 789 got its firmware upgrade




i am a computer techniction so these things are easy for me to understand ...just ive done all i can do at this side


is it possible to get someone to refresh my dns



  • Uusi jäsen
  • 27. helmikuuta 2015

i say working, the tv is working, but there is nothing when i press menu,, no epg, no settings to change to 1080i


no films i can choose


no recordings ive saved


etc, whenever i try to choose something in the menu ,it goes back to the tv

  • Uusi jäsen
  • 27. helmikuuta 2015

This page enables you to perform a connectivity check on an Internet service of your MediaAccess Gateway.

Choose an Internet service and click the button to launch the tests.

Internet Service to Check:IPTVVoIPInternet


Test Results
Test SucceededDSL
Test SucceededATM
Test SucceededEthernet
Test SucceededNative IPv4
Test SucceededNative IPv6
Test SucceededInternet
 Disabled/Not OKConnectivity to IPv4 Gateway (
 Enabled/OKConnectivity to DNS Server 1 (
 Enabled/OKConnectivity to DNS Server 2 (

  • Ex-telialainen
  • 2. maaliskuuta 2015

Well, as @Pekka_Koo recommended, you should indeed make a fault report, so we can investigate this more closely. :)
