I am living in Hakunila, Vantaa. The problem that I got is: My broadband internet connection is lost every night and work in daylight - the DSL lamp is off in the evening and on in the morning (My modem is Zytel ZXDSL 931 SERIES) . The problem is similar to this post: viewtopic.php?f=55&t=1034.
This problem had been happened over 1 month after my apartment got the extra 100/10 mb connection in the middle of March 2010 (this problem is never occur with my old connection (24/2mb) since I use the old Sonera internet for almost over 1 year but happened when Sonera offer this 100/10mb).
[u:2wguldie]I had tried to call Sonera's Technical many times and I few very disappointed about the way those Technical people (including normal customer services) because[/u:2wguldie]:
- Not polite to customer (what is the point ? - We are the customer why your service not acting like professional)
- Tell the fake problems and lies to customer (especially to me). Why I wrote this sentence because it is happened to my case. Here is the true story about this issue:
+ When the first time I called to the service, the Technician said "oh, there is Sonera's network problem at this moment so please wait we will prepare it "....--> I was waiting like 1 week but nothing happen.
+ Then, I tried the second time in 2 weeks after the first call. --->> got the answer is the same, and the guy ask me wait for the message from Sonera when the problem solved but then nothing happen.
+ Later, when I made the third call to the Technical department, now I got the unreal answer from the technical answered to me that "my building are had problem with the internet station in the basement (warehouse), so please wait for Sonera contact to the Huolto-Service in your place to prepare the problem (he said because the isännöinti make some automatic script to turn off my internet in the evening)--->> Well another waiting week again but nothing change the problem is still exist (Here is the point, it's not true because how can the isännöinti (from Hakunila huolto) do that -- The only one who can do that is Sonera ISP because Sonera provide the internet). I am working in Cisco system and telecommunication areas so I am sure that the answer is fake answer from Sonera 's Technician
+ In the 20th of April 2010 I tried to call again to the Technical to ask about the situation and want to know how the problem solve going. [u:2wguldie]I got the Sonera's technician answer that Sonera had identified the problem issues as I stated above and the technician said that he tried to contact the isännöinti (from Hakunila huolto) by phone and email but got no response so he asked me to wait until the problem solve and he will send sms to me whenever the problem is solved [/u:2wguldie]-->> as same as before I got nothing.
+ And now the playing game from Sonera technician is starting (by passing by the responsibility of Sonera with customer to other company which I am sure that it is not concern to the internet problem or technical problem).
Here is the proof: When I tried to call Sonera again in the end of April. At this moment I got the answer from the technical guy which I think he was playing game football game with me by passing the responsible ball to other party (Hakunila Huolto Pavelu) because he said that "the problem is my building problem (in the station under the basement) so the problem now is not Sonera's responsibility anymore, so if you want to solve your problem you should yourself contact to the house service (isännöinti from Hakunila huolto) to ask he come to prepare the problem. So the Sonera can not help you !!!!" ---> well, my questions are: what's the real reponsibility of Sonera about customer care, problem????????. Why I got different answer each time and no help at all from Sonera service?????????????
Once more thing in this problem I want to tell more: after I got the answer above I called direct to the house owner (isännöinti from Hakunila huolto) and I got the clear response from there (you, Sonera experts will know the in the next sentence). The isännöinti from Hakunila huolto told me very clearly that:
* [u:2wguldie]The Sonera's technical did not call or email them to tell them about the problem [/u:2wguldie] <-- (read here and look up above what answer that I got from Sonera) -- Are they lying to customer or not???
* The isännöinti from Hakunila huolto also very surprise about this situation, he said that The Sonera is the one who support the Internet and charge the bill from you they should prepare it -->> Here, Could your Soneral state clear or explain for me who is in charge in this situation ?????? Wasn't you playing game with customer or what???
* The isännöinti from Hakunila huolto also give me his phone number and he asked me to give the phone number to Sonera Technical to contact with him directly to discuss about the problem ( I did call to Sonera & gave the phone number already after he asked me) but then until now my internet still lost and nothing change.
Well, this is just the summary about my problem (there are still a lot to tell) and I felt very very disappointed about the way your service doing. I really don't know that some of your technician had enough knowledge to do his duty or not because most of the answer I got from them is non-sense (no use and not solving the problem at all) and make customer felt bad about Sonera.
The problem report I wrote to that to let you know (to Sonera technical manger or to whom its concern) in order to have a good relationship with customer (you are provide the service and taking money from customer then you should do it well) otherwise this could make to something worse (I think I don't need to explain about this).
Finally, I hope I will get some good response and clear answer after this post because I am so tired to contact to sonera technical to tell about this problem many times. (If the problem still exist later on then I think it is the time to say goodbye to your service and find the other service which is serve the customer better & honest)
Best regard
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