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terminate the contract

  • 15. elokuuta 2015
  • 2 kommenttia
  • 51 katselukertaa

Hello, Sonera,

I want to terminate the contract with TeliaSonera becaue I am no more in Australia. My friend went to Sonera office in Helsinki and they said that i have to chat with you guys on this website. I do not know if I am is the right place or not, becaue everyting is in English and I am translating it with google. Please somebody tell me how can I terminate tha contract Because I am geeting keep the bills. My email address is...  and my number is +358... which I am not using anymore.  

Thank you


Edit Tero: removed personal details

2 kommenttia

  • Virtuaalihahmo
  • 7040 kommenttia
  • 15. elokuuta 2015

  • Ex-telialainen
  • 800 kommenttia
  • 17. elokuuta 2015

Hi! You can send us a private message in Facebook, we can help you there :smileyhappy:
