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Telia TV bills

  • 27. kesäkuuta 2019
  • 1 kommentti
  • 10 katselukertaa


I am recieving Frequently bills from Telia for TV properties, that I never asked for.

Previously I contacted the custumer service and they solved the issue, but again I am recieving the bills from Telia. 




Edit HannaSu: muokattu otsikkoa


  • Telialainen
  • 27. kesäkuuta 2019

Hi! Welcome to Telia Yhteisö. :smileyhappy:


Unfortunately I can't see your customer information here, so I can't take a look at what's going on. Would you please send a message about this issue to our customer service for example in Facebook (Facebooks private message) or contact our chat at so we can check it out. 
