
Restricted access to the service MEGOGO

Kunniamerkki +1

Hello everyone!
About a month ago MEGOGO app stopped working on my PlayStation 5. Doesn't work on phone either. Although when I turn on the VPN, the MEGOGO app works without a problem. Tell me, maybe the provider is blocking access to MEGOGO service?

Aihe on suljettu kommenteilta.

11 kommenttia

Käyttäjätaso 5
Kunniamerkki +6

Hello and welcome to Telia Yhteisö.

I checked the MEGOGO on google and it seems to be a streaming service. You told that the app works with VPN, which is probably because of geo-blocking. It is typical for streaming services to block access in countries where the service is not available. In this case, the streaming service is not available in Finland and therefore they block the access to the service from Finland. With VPN, the service believes that you are in a country where the service is available.

Kunniamerkki +1

I agree with you.
But this is strange, because my friends use the Megogo service without problems, but they use another provider - DNA (
That is why I came to the conclusion that the provider blocks access to the Megogo service

Käyttäjätaso 5
Kunniamerkki +6

I agree with you.
But this is strange, because my friends use the Megogo service without problems, but they use another provider - DNA (
That is why I came to the conclusion that the provider blocks access to the Megogo service

This is strange.

I tried to open Megogo’s website. It works with DNA but not with Telia.

My knowledge ends here but someone with more knowledge can help you with this issue.

Käyttäjätaso 7
Kunniamerkki +16

The servers themselves seem to respond to queries. You can check this by attempting to connect using a plain ip-address, no domain name. This gets the server confused and you will get a 404 Not Found error, if you ignore the certificate warning.

This tells that Telia is not blocking connections.

When trying to connect normally, it took nearly 2 minutes to get an http to https redirect. After that, the connection stalled.

This on the other hand tells, that Megogo has some internal problems. Maybe teir DDOS-protection has gone wrong. Or they are actually being attacked and some sources of traffic are being throttled.

Kunniamerkki +1

Hmm, interesting.
That is, do you think that there is a possibility that for some reason the megogo service blocks access to its service from the Telia provider's subnets?

Käyttäjätaso 7
Kunniamerkki +16

That is, do you think that there is a possibility that for some reason the megogo service blocks access to its service from the Telia provider's subnets?

More likely an interconnection carrier. Telia’s route to Megogo unfortunately seems to go through Russia and Belarus. I can imagine, that over there a lot of malicious traffic merges with other traffic and Megogo’s DDOS-protection throttles anything that comes via Belarus.

Telia should really consider interconnecting with Retn in some EU country, rather than in Belarus.

Megogo seems to work with my German Alditalk sim.

Käyttäjätaso 7
Kunniamerkki +16

I reported this problem to Telia customer service. Hopefully they will find a workaround for it.

Kunniamerkki +1

Wow, thank you so much!
Could you please forward me the reply from the Telia customer service ?

Käyttäjätaso 7
Kunniamerkki +16

Sure, if / when I get a reply.

Käyttäjätaso 7
Kunniamerkki +16

Unfortunately I got a nothing answer from Telia:


Kiitos viestistäsi.

Ongelmaan vaikuttaminen Telian taholta on hankalaa, koska emme pysty reitittämään liikennettä oman verkkomme ulkopuolelta.

Megogo sen sijaan mahdollisesti pystyy asiaan vaikuttamaan oman operaattorinsa kautta.

Uudelleen reitittäminen siis on mahdollista, mutta varmasti ongelman voi ratkaista vain koska kyse on heidän palvelimestaan.

Varman vastauksen saat ainoastaan heiltä.

Ollaan yhteydessä


Telia Asiakaspalvelu

Which would translate to


Thank you for your message.

It is difficult for Telia to address the problem because we are unable to route traffic outside our own network.

Megogo, on the other hand, may be able to influence the issue through its own operator.

So re-routing is possible, but surely only can solve the problem as it is their server.

Only they can give you a definitive answer.

Let's stay in touch


Telia Customer Service


It is extremely hard to believe, that Telia would rely solely on Arelion as their interconnection partner. And that they are uncapable of even contacting their suppliers about problems. Sigh.

Meanwhile I spotted another site that is unreachable, the Swedish telecommunications administration Just like Megogo, this one works with my German sim card, but not Telia.

Kunniamerkki +1

Thank you a lot!
I will try to contact Megogo customer support. Perhaps they will look at the problem from their side and give an accurate answer.