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ZTE MC801A5G disconnects everyday since last update :(

Sorry for the english.
5G router ZTE MC801A needs a reboot at least once everyday because of internet disconnection. Device was working superb without any issues until Last Update: 2022-06-23 02:35:23


Current Software and hardware version below, is it possible to rollback to version before 23th June 2022 ?

Software Version BD_FITELIAMC801AV1.0.0B17
Hardware Version MC801AHW-1.0.0


Feel free to answer in finnish, I can read and speak finnish but writing is challenging if its to be done correct - thanks for understanding

32 kommenttia

Käyttäjätaso 5
Kunniamerkki +5

@dimsdupont  kirjoitti:

Sorry for the english.
5G router ZTE MC801A needs a reboot at least once everyday because of internet disconnection. Device was working superb without any issues until Last Update: 2022-06-23 02:35:23


Current Software and hardware version below, is it possible to rollback to version before 23th June 2022 ?

Software Version BD_FITELIAMC801AV1.0.0B17
Hardware Version MC801AHW-1.0.0


Feel free to answer in finnish, I can read and speak finnish but writing is challenging if its to be done correct - thanks for understanding

Tervetuloa @dimsdupont Telia Yhteisöön 😁>

Meillä ei ole tiedossamme, että uusin ohjelmistoversio ZTE MC801A -laitteessa tekisi yhteyden katkeamista. Toivoisin, että voisit tehdä meille häiriölmoituksen tästä. Tarvitsemme vähintään kolme esimerkkiä kellonajoista, kun yhteys menee poikki. 

Käyttäjätaso 7
Kunniamerkki +8

You are not alone. Also Elisa customers have problems with their ZTE equipment after recent firmware update.



Unfortunately it is not possible to revert to an older firmware. Thus your options are somewhat unsatisfactory:


  • Start using 4G. Of course, for long run you should ask Telia for compensation and/or a free downgrade, as the 5G service you are paying for is now unusable.
  • Try if this ZTE MC7010 trick works on MC801A5G. Asetukset → lisäasetukset → muut → tr069config → yhteyden säännöllinen ilmoitus (periodic inform) pois päältä (off or disabled).
  • Wait until Telia and ZTE release a new firmware.
  • Buy a working 5G router.

thanks @irritus , I would also have tend to disagree with @PiaJO answer also since the router worked fine until the last update.
Plus 25 years in IT support tend to give you some experience in spotting issues and causes 🙂>

* Using 4G when 5G is available feels not effective,  especially since we upgraded sub and modem from 4G but my company pays - I probably will use 4G mode to get it stable and look for l fiber is delivered.

* I will try that, thank you

* I am going to invest in fiber from the local telephone company, kind of losing confidence in Telia
* Its a rented modem as part of the agreement 


p.s. I had to reboot it already once since my initial post 😞>

07/07/2022 10:52:17 PM - No internet connection. Wi-Fi/Ethernet OK

Daily interruptions and disconnects 

Date and time                    Status

07/09/2022 5:08:28 AM Online
07/09/2022 5:08:12 AM No internet connection
07/09/2022 5:08:09 AM Online
07/09/2022 5:07:28 AM No internet connection
07/08/2022 1:06:30 AM Online
07/08/2022 1:06:30 AM No internet connection
07/08/2022 1:06:26 AM Online
07/08/2022 1:06:08 AM No internet connection. Wi-Fi/Ethernet OK


07/07/2022 10:55:54 PM Online
07/07/2022 10:52:17 PM No internet connection. Wi-Fi/Ethernet OK

Käyttäjätaso 4

@dimsdupont There are no commonly known fault in this newest software version (B17) on ZTE MC801A 5G device. The options @irritus mentioned are fundamentally fine but maybe not the most optimal from your, as a customer, or from Telia's standpoint. This is why @PiaJo asked you earlier to make a ticket through self service. We can then escalate it to our mobile services specialists and find out what might cause this together with the device manufacturer. You can include the examples of the disconnects you mentioned here. This will help a lot!  

@dimsdupont How many changes you have made to the default config? That bridge mode got hit in the earlier upgrade. Wireless Broadband Mode has been working ok.

Those China-wonders are quite a house of cards when there is localisation and per operator tweaks.

@mickem thanks for reply, I have made a ticket with logs and timestamps - I keep a small app running on a pc monitoring and logging internet connection.
If needed more details, I can use Wireshark.
Otherwise satisfied with the connection, it is only surprising that the disconnects started together with latest update, of course it can be coincidence and I hope we can get it solved.
Tekemäsi häiriöilmoituksen tunniste on 105469."

Hi @Lanttilo  - no changes to default config since it worked fine out of the box 🙂>
On initial use,  I checked the settings and it looked fine, changed some default passwords for admin loggin and WIFI. Only when the disconnects started I have been googling to try find a solution but have not made any changes. I found that has some interesting hidden settings and logs can be found at  but only 24 hrs. (change 127.0.01. with router ip address)
Default config had a weekly scheduled reboot; I changed it on Saturdays between 04-06am which worked fine.


Around the date of the last update I started to noticed internet disconnections atleast once every evening.
I also experienced more frequent disconnects since I started following Tour de France where ever so often the stream gets interrupted. On every interruption I have checked from the pc and the routers browser interface and noticed the internet connection was down / not available. I could ping the router from pc and access routers web interface. A disconnect + connect from browser interface usually fixed it but in some cases it required a full modem reboot to restore the internet connection.

It is really frustrating when watching a stream, playing an online game or sitting in a Teams meeting - of course while surfing webpages or reading emails it may have disconnected from the internet but I do not necesarry notice. Hence now logging 24/7 in the hopes to get this fixed with Telia.

@irritus @Lanttilo  any suggestions on a working 5G router in case the ZTE is root cause ?  I noticed Mikrobitti did a test but have not read the results.

Not sure if I feel like telling my employer to purchase a new 5G router and looking into investing in connecting fiber to the house. (LPOnet) 


Hi @dimsdupont, I don't have automatic reboot enabled and I don't remember if it was on by default. I have only some IP-mac Binds and Upnp enabled, nothing special. I have found out or at least it seems like, that I'll get better speeds after reboot. It speaks loudly about that hardware and coding if one has to regularly reboot the device to keep it working.


It is a shame that SNMP is not available. I have managed to archive 0.8Gb dl speed, but rarely. Usually something like 200-300Mb. Don't know if I should pay that 1G, cause speeds are usually in that 450M area or even less. And I know that the minimum acceptable is 10Mb according to Telia, but if I want to buy a litre of milk and also pay for that then one per cent of that is unacceptable.


This is probably an early adoption tax. Substandard hardware with haste coding in the CCP's sweatshop.

@PiaJo @mickem is there anyone at work at Telia, see below support request from 09th July 2022, still waiting for anyone to revert or contact 😞>
"Kiitos 09.07.2022 lähettämästäsi ilmoituksesta. Otamme sinuun yhteyttä 48 tunnin kuluessa (arkisin). Tekemäsi häiriöilmoituksen tunniste on 105469."

Disconnects since initial support request, this is getting silly... Can't you just replace the modem to a working one, this connection used to be just fine before the software update !


Date and time     Status
07/13/2022 4:23:13 PM   Online
07/13/2022 4:21:03 PM   No internet connection
07/13/2022 4:20:50 PM   No internet connection. Wi-Fi/Ethernet OK
07/13/2022 2:03:06 PM   Online
07/13/2022 1:42:53 PM   No internet connection
07/13/2022 1:42:41 PM   No internet connection. Wi-Fi/Ethernet OK
07/10/2022 2:48:30 AM   Online
Date and time     Status
1.  reboot needed.
07/18/2022 1:58:54 PM   Online
07/18/2022 1:48:31 PM   No internet connection
07/18/2022 1:48:08 PM   No internet connection. Wi-Fi/Ethernet OK
07/16/2022 11:50:14 PM  Online
07/16/2022 11:25:17 PM  No internet connection
07/16/2022 11:24:55 PM  No internet connection. Wi-Fi/Ethernet OK
07/16/2022 4:43:31 AM   Online
07/16/2022 4:43:16 AM   No internet connection
07/16/2022 4:43:13 AM   Online
07/16/2022 4:42:32 AM   No internet connection
07/16/2022 4:42:31 AM   No internet connection. Wi-Fi/Ethernet OK
Käyttäjätaso 4

@dimsdupont  kirjoitti:

@PiaJo @mickem is there anyone at work at Telia, see below support request from 09th July 2022, still waiting for anyone to revert or contact 😞>
"Kiitos 09.07.2022 lähettämästäsi ilmoituksesta. Otamme sinuun yhteyttä 48 tunnin kuluessa (arkisin). Tekemäsi häiriöilmoituksen tunniste on 105469."

Disconnects since initial support request, this is getting silly... Can't you just replace the modem to a working one, this connection used to be just fine before the software update !


Date and time     Status


07/13/2022 4:23:13 PM   Online

07/13/2022 4:21:03 PM   No internet connection

07/13/2022 4:20:50 PM   No internet connection. Wi-Fi/Ethernet OK

07/13/2022 2:03:06 PM   Online

07/13/2022 1:42:53 PM   No internet connection

07/13/2022 1:42:41 PM   No internet connection. Wi-Fi/Ethernet OK

07/10/2022 2:48:30 AM   Online


Date and time     Status

1.  reboot needed.

07/18/2022 1:58:54 PM   Online

07/18/2022 1:48:31 PM   No internet connection

07/18/2022 1:48:08 PM   No internet connection. Wi-Fi/Ethernet OK


07/16/2022 11:50:14 PM  Online

07/16/2022 11:25:17 PM  No internet connection

07/16/2022 11:24:55 PM  No internet connection. Wi-Fi/Ethernet OK


07/16/2022 4:43:31 AM   Online

07/16/2022 4:43:16 AM   No internet connection

07/16/2022 4:43:13 AM   Online

07/16/2022 4:42:32 AM   No internet connection

07/16/2022 4:42:31 AM   No internet connection. Wi-Fi/Ethernet OK

Sorry about the delay in answer regarding your ticket! Here through Telia Yhteisö we don't have access to your personal info, so I can't bring this further. When a specialist takes your ticket into process, you will be sent a new modem.

it would be nice to get some sort of status update, any contact details like telephone number or email address to ask for an update ?

I ended up calling both yritysasiakaspalvelu suuryritykset 020 693 693 and consumer asiakaspalvelu 020 690 400 after waiting 9 days for a reaction of häiriölmoituksen which seems, so far, a waste of time  -  perhaps one day they will get in touch ? (the report was fully documented with connection logs, cell id, device model and software version, etc)
To my surprise consumer costumer service was actually more helpful then corporate costumer service, they were even aware of disconnect issues with this particular model, I was not the first customer having this problem and told me the router needs to go to service since under warranty.  They send me to the closest Telia shop from where the router would be sent to service but the shop attendant, also familiar with the error, knowing the turn-around time, swapped the device to a boxed new one. I have installed it with the default settings, it has below "old" software version (hardware version is the same as previous): 

Software Version BD_FITELIAMC801AV1.0.0B13

!Huom! I did select auto-updates to be disabled so not to update to newest software (BD_FITELIAMC801AV1.0.0B17), crossing fingers if the device will work just fine as the previous one did before software update.  Ofcourse, it can still be a coincidence that the device broke down at the same time of the software update but if it works I will not update 😉>

I will update the thread with results of the swap, in the hope someone else having this issue understands possible root cause and how to fix it in a reasonable amount of time.  (tip, call asiakaspalvelu or visit a Telia shop)

@irritus @Lanttilo thanks for the help ❤️>


Käyttäjätaso 6
Kunniamerkki +5

@dimsdupont  kirjoitti:

I ended up calling both yritysasiakaspalvelu suuryritykset 020 693 693 and consumer asiakaspalvelu 020 690 400 after waiting 9 days for a reaction of häiriölmoituksen which seems, so far, a waste of time  -  perhaps one day they will get in touch ? (the report was fully documented with connection logs, cell id, device model and software version, etc)
To my surprise consumer costumer service was actually more helpful then corporate costumer service, they were even aware of disconnect issues with this particular model, I was not the first customer having this problem and told me the router needs to go to service since under warranty.  They send me to the closest Telia shop from where the router would be sent to service but the shop attendant, also familiar with the error, knowing the turn-around time, swapped the device to a boxed new one. I have installed it with the default settings, it has below "old" software version (hardware version is the same as previous): 

Software Version BD_FITELIAMC801AV1.0.0B13

!Huom! I did select auto-updates to be disabled so not to update to newest software (BD_FITELIAMC801AV1.0.0B17), crossing fingers if the device will work just fine as the previous one did before software update.  Ofcourse, it can still be a coincidence that the device broke down at the same time of the software update but if it works I will not update 😉>

I will update the thread with results of the swap, in the hope someone else having this issue understands possible root cause and how to fix it in a reasonable amount of time.  (tip, call asiakaspalvelu or visit a Telia shop)

@irritus @Lanttilo thanks for the help ❤️>

Nice to hear this whole situation is proceeding and getting hopefully better, let's wait for the new update😁>

It would be also nice if that modem could keep those speeds constant without restarts.

I have once managed to get about 850Mb/s dl in my 1Gb 5G.


And before you start that BS about 10Mb minimum speed, read this:

Käyttäjätaso 5

@Lanttilo  kirjoitti:

It would be also nice if that modem could keep those speeds constant without restarts.

I have once managed to get about 850Mb/s dl in my 1Gb 5G.


And before you start that BS about 10Mb minimum speed, read this:

 You posted a message here about the same topic and I replied to you in this thread.

An update, as promised, it is better then before with the old modem but still far from what is expected from an internet subscription. The new modem with not updated old software is a little more stable but frequent disconnects still occur, though not every day. The 5G connection can run without any interruption for 5-6 days in a row and then there is days like today.  Below are the statistics for past 24hrs, I actually had to hard reset the modem pulling the power plug today because I could not even get into the web interface, modem was complete jammed . See todays sadness from below logs, 5 disconnects with 65% availability :'(


Online for 5:40:45
Disconnects, 24h: 5
Availability, 24h: 65.04%
Disconnects since 18/07/2022, total: 12
Availability, total: 97.84%


Telia also called me up from hairioilmoitukset department they day after I got the new modem at the shop but they were not aware of the modem swap.  I am still in contact with them via email address  to send regular connection logs and other relavant info but the reply time on emails is 7 (!) days so it is a very slow painstaking process - still waiting for an actual reply with attempts or actions to fix the issue.

/! Buyer beware /! This may be a good product for casual internet browsing  or leisure time 4K streaming for the whole family at the same time BUT I would not advice this for online gaming, video meetings, remote work or any usage where connection stability is required to be effective and enjoy.

I still  believe that an ISP like Telia with all their resources and smart people can and should eventually fix this but  unfortunately I am slowly loosing hope based on past months experience. As such, I could not advice friends and family to buy this service. I will possible need to invest in fiber connection from local small provider to make sure I have a stable reliable internet connection at my home office. I could also try other ISP's 5G products but would like to test before comitting to a contract.

@Lanttilo Hi, after reading your post I upgraded Liikkuva Netti Pro 5G 500M to Liikkuva Netti Pro 5G 1000M via yritysportaali just to see if it makes a difference in speed since I usually have had between 250 mbps to just under 500 mbps.
I did several tests with 1000M and below you see some results that I got over a 30 mins testing window during off hours (0100-0130am). Also, I am the only one using the connection and no background applications are downloading/using internet. Best result 568.8 Mbps as in below link but I had as low as 289 Mbps and for a long time constant less then 500 Mbps which made me think the upgrade did not go through 🙂>
Until, olala,  I got one test with 639.8 Mbps  
but next was back to 389.8 Mbps 

It seem like lottery results and I will downgrade it back to 500M if possible. I have to say that speedwise/bandwidth it has been acceptable for me if only it would be a stable connection as the old and slow ADSL 8M I used to have. Its the disconnects which bothers me most. 


Käyttäjätaso 5

@dimsdupont  kirjoitti:

An update, as promised, it is better then before with the old modem but still far from what is expected from an internet subscription. The new modem with not updated old software is a little more stable but frequent disconnects still occur, though not every day. The 5G connection can run without any interruption for 5-6 days in a row and then there is days like today.  Below are the statistics for past 24hrs, I actually had to hard reset the modem pulling the power plug today because I could not even get into the web interface, modem was complete jammed . See todays sadness from below logs, 5 disconnects with 65% availability :'(

With SV ending B13, it does have known bug which causes disconnection from internet. It has been fixed with SV17 (for what we have tested and confirmed for now) and B17 is the most new release for now. We do not have info about problems related to SV 17 for now, so this must be investigated. Glad to hear you share the logs with us, thank you for helping us investigate this more deeply!

@dimsdupont  kirjoitti:

I still  believe that an ISP like Telia with all their resources and smart people can and should eventually fix this but  unfortunately I am slowly loosing hope based on past months experience. As such, I could not advice friends and family to buy this service. I will possible need to invest in fiber connection from local small provider to make sure I have a stable reliable internet connection at my home office. I could also try other ISP's 5G products but would like to test before comitting to a contract.

We do have people working fully on with devices and they will investigate these problems in collaboration with equipment manufacturer. For now i do not know where this fix is going for now and we do can report here if we hear something new!

@dimsdupont  kirjoitti:

It seem like lottery results and I will downgrade it back to 500M if possible. I have to say that speedwise/bandwidth it has been acceptable for me if only it would be a stable connection as the old and slow ADSL 8M I used to have. Its the disconnects which bothers me most. 

If i understood right, you have subscription for business? I am not sure about contract changes but for sure they will be solved via My Telia for Business. (Customer service for our corporation customers)

Today I rebooted the modem. DL-speed increased maybe 5%, but UL-speed went from about 50Mb to more than 90Mb.

Now it is back to that about 50Mb.


Is that Telia for Business better? Is it worth the extra cost?

@Lanttilo naah, I do not think so, it feels like it is the same services as a consumer subscription, perhaps with a more active support team.


Käyttäjätaso 5

@dimsdupont  kirjoitti:

... swapped the device to a boxed new one. I have installed it with the default settings, it has below "old" software version (hardware version is the same as previous): 

Software Version BD_FITELIAMC801AV1.0.0B13

We got a hint to check this default settings on this B13 version: is the chosen network now "5G NSA" ? If it is not, then maybe try this setting (guide step 4.) and see does it help? And again, for now we have not recognized software problems (with newest B17) which could cause this kind of disconnections. We do investigate this with your ticket you have made, have you heard anything new about it?

I'm a little bit puzzled that you can not find any software issues with the new B17 firmware. For me the Bridge Mode is still broken. The WAN IP is not handed over to the router/device behind. You can easily check if there is a problem, when you disable the DHCP server in the settings menu. If your devices still get a IP from the DHCP you can image that there is a software issue and that's also the problem why the WAN IP can't be handed over. If there is still a DHCP server trying to hand out IPs to connected devices on that port it will never work out.


Sometimes I'm asking myself who is responsible for developing the firmware after the final ZTE release. There are so many bugs that it's getting really frustrating. I mean: Bridge Mode is not working from B13 to B17 and users who depend on their on-site routing hardware have to switch the device/try to get an old device in the shops with the B12 firmware. 

@HenriLie  kirjoitti:


We got a hint to check this default settings on this B13 version: is the chosen network now "5G NSA" ? If it is not, then maybe try this setting (guide step 4.) and see does it help? And again, for now we have not recognized software problems (with newest B17) which could cause this kind of disconnections. We do investigate this with your ticket you have made, have you heard anything new about it?

How about an SA subscription? Even for a testing. One can always switch to the lesser NSA, if there are problems.

Käyttäjätaso 5

@davidair  kirjoitti:

I'm a little bit puzzled that you can not find any software issues with the new B17 firmware. For me the Bridge Mode is still broken. The WAN IP is not handed over to the router/device behind.

I mentioned about this 5G disconnection problem only. For other bugs what B17 may include will be also investigated and fixed. Thank you for bringing up this issue, have you reported this all ready to us as ticket?

@Lanttilo  kirjoitti:

How about an SA subscription? Even for a testing. One can always switch to the lesser NSA, if there are problems.

For now we do not have consumer subscriptions, which could use 5G SA mode. Neither all corporation customers subscriptions have it. That is why we wanted to check that network setting from MCU801A device. Subscriptions with 5G SA option will come in use later, unfortunately i do not know exactly when.
