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Tilaamastani Apple Watchista ei ole tullut laskua

  • 25. toukokuuta 2024
  • 1 kommentti
  • 65 katselukertaa

  • Savumerkittäjä

اپل واچ را 1 ماه پیش اقساطی خریدم و بعد از 2 ماه هیچ قبضی دریافت نکردم 

حالا من باید چیکار کنم؟؟؟  / 

I bought the Apple Watch a month ago and after 2 months I didn't get any bills. 

What should I do now?


gmail: ****

آدرس  / address: ****

شماره تلفن / phonenumber: ***



Muokkaus SannaMKoo: Piilotettu asiakastiedot ja lisätty kielikäännös englanniksi. Muokattu myös ostikkoa alkuperäisestä “lasku” otsikosta kuvaavammaksi löydettävyyden helpottamiseksi

Ratkaisu jäseneltä SannaMKoo

Hello @Amir and warmly welcome to Telia Community to discuss about different topics!

We do not process any customer data here, and due to privacy protection, I hid all your customer information from your message.

The first bill for the Apple Watch may come somewhat afterwards. Telia Finance Invoices are always registered in the middle of the month and the due date is at the end of the month. 

The first Telia Finance invoice always arrives at home on paper. There you will find instructions on how to convert a paper invoice into either an e-invoice or an e-mail invoice in the future! 

I believe that you will receive your first invoice from your device in the middle of next month, but if you want to check the status of your Telia finance invoices, you can log in to their customer portal here, and make sure that there is no unpaid bills.

Katso alkuperäinen viesti

1 kommentti

  • Moderaattori
  • 1024 kommenttia
  • Ratkaisu
  • 27. toukokuuta 2024

Hello @Amir and warmly welcome to Telia Community to discuss about different topics!

We do not process any customer data here, and due to privacy protection, I hid all your customer information from your message.

The first bill for the Apple Watch may come somewhat afterwards. Telia Finance Invoices are always registered in the middle of the month and the due date is at the end of the month. 

The first Telia Finance invoice always arrives at home on paper. There you will find instructions on how to convert a paper invoice into either an e-invoice or an e-mail invoice in the future! 

I believe that you will receive your first invoice from your device in the middle of next month, but if you want to check the status of your Telia finance invoices, you can log in to their customer portal here, and make sure that there is no unpaid bills.
